
Response to text

What is exercise?

Use the bold (control + b) function to highlight the correct answer and write answers as required.


  • What is exercise?
    a) Eating yummy fruits and vegetables
    b) Moving your body in fun and active ways
    c) Watching TV and playing video games
    d) Taking long naps 
  • How does exercise help your muscles and bones?
    a) It makes them taste better
    b) It helps them grow stronger
    c) It makes them invisible
    d) It makes them glow in the dark 
  • What can you do to make your heart strong?
    a) Eat lots of chocolate
    b) Watch movies all day
    c) Play video games for hours
    d) Exercise and move your body 
  • What do endorphins do when you exercise?
    a) Make you sleepy
    b) Make you grumpy
    c) Make you happy
    d) Make you invisible 
  • How does exercise make you feel after playing a game or running around?
    a) Sleepy
    b) Hungry
    c) Full of energy
    d) Bored 
  • What can exercise help you have at night?
    a) Sweet dreams
    b) Scary dreams
    c) No dreams
    d) Silly dreams 
  • Which activity is NOT a fun way to exercise?
    a)Response to textWhat is exercise?

    Use the bold (control + b) function to highlight the correct answer and write answers as required.

    • What is exercise?
      a) Eating yummy fruits and vegetables
      b) Moving your body in fun and active ways
      c) Watching TV and playing video games
      d) Taking long naps 
    • How does exercise help your muscles and bones?
      a) It makes them taste better
      b) It helps them grow stronger
      c) It makes them invisible
      d) It makes them glow in the dark 
    • What can you do to make your heart strong?
      a) Eat lots of chocolate
      b) Watch movies all day
      c) Play video games for hours
      d) Exercise and move your body 
    • What do endorphins do when you exercise?
      a) Make you sleepy
      b) Make you grumpy
      c) Make you happy
      d) Make you invisible 
    • How does exercise make you feel after playing a game or running around?
      a) Sleepy
      b) Hungry
      c) Full of energy
      d) Bored 
    • What can exercise help you have at night?
      a) Sweet dreams
      b) Scary dreams
      c) No dreams
      d) Silly dreams 
    • Which activity is NOT a fun way to exercise?
      a) Playing outside
      b) Having a dance party
      c) Playing video games
      d) Going on nature adventures 
    • What should you do before you start exercising to keep your muscles safe?
      a) Wear a superhero costume
      b) Drink lots of soda
      c) Warm up your muscles with gentle stretches
      d) Jump into cold water 
    • What can you do with a skipping rope?
      a) Tie your shoes
      b) Jump without stopping
      c) Swing from trees
      d) Dance like a butterfly

    • Why is it important to wear the right shoes and clothes when you exercise?
      a) To show off your fashion sense
      b) To keep you warm in winter
      c) To keep you cool in summer
      d) To keep you comfy and safe 
    • How does moving your body help your brain become more active?
    • What purpose does warming up your muscles serve before you start exercising?



  • What should you do before you start exercising to keep your muscles safe?
    a) Wear a superhero costume
    b) Drink lots of soda
    c) Warm up your muscles with gentle stretches
    d) Jump into cold water 
  • What can you do with a skipping rope?
    a) Tie your shoes
    b) Jump without stopping
    c) Swing from trees
    d) Dance like a butterfly

  • Why is it important to wear the right shoes and clothes when you exercise?
    a) To show off your fashion sense
    b) To keep you warm in winter
    c) To keep you cool in summer
    d) To keep you comfy and safe 
  • How does moving your body help your brain become more active?
  • What purpose does warming up your muscles serve before you start exercising?


Response to text: Healthy Food

Response to text

Healthy Food

Use the bold (control + b) function to highlight the correct answer and write answers as required.

  • What is healthy food?
    a) Food that gives you the nutrients you need to grow and be healthy.
    b) Food that tastes good and is high in sugar and fat.
    c) Food that is high in calories and low in nutrients.
    d) Food that is only for adults and not suitable for kids.

  • Why is it important to eat healthy food?
    a) To gain more weight and become stronger.
    b) To have a weaker immune system and get sick more often.
    c) To feel better, have more energy, and reduce the risk of getting sick.
    d) To skip meals and lose weight quickly.

  • How many servings of fruits and vegetables should you aim to eat every day?
    a) 1-2 servings
    b) 3-4 servings
    c) 5 or more servings
    d) No need to eat fruits and vegetables daily.

  • Which type of grains are better for you?
    a) Refined grains
    b) Whole grains
    c) Both are equally good for you.
    d) Grains are not necessary in a healthy diet.

What is a good source of lean protein?
a) Cookies and cakes
b) Chicken, fish, and beans
c) Potato chips and french fries
d) Ice cream and milkshakes